“ Just remember, only two rules: keep your heart open and tell the truth.”
Embrace The Moon in the Press
Ken Gullette's (Internal Fighting Arts) interview with Kimberly Ivy about her history, training and what it is like to be a woman in the predominantly male world of the Martial Arts
Part One
Part Two
“Qi Talks,” (National Qigong Association) Interview with Kim Ivy: Cultivating Kali and Kuan Yin Through Practice: Gaining Ferocity and Compassion through Traditional Training
New York Times features Qigong & Embrace The Moon
The Seattle P/I features World Tai Chi Day & Embrace The Moon
Seattle Metropolitan Magazine "Better Body, Better Brain, Better You" features Embrace The Moon, "Calm Down With Qigong."
Schmidt S. & Ivy, K., “Alternative & Complementary Medicine” in Back Pain, A Guide for the Primary Care Physician, Andrew J. Haig, MD & Miles Colwell, MD
Ivy, K., “Tai Chi & Qigong for Chronic Pain” in Group Wellness Programs for Chronic Pain & Disease Management by Carolyn McManus PT MA MS
Ivy, K., “Chinese Medicine, Tai Chi and Qigong” in Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Mari Skelly & Andrea Helm
One Hundred Days of Internal Fortitude by Lily Casura
These "In the Press" links are historical and may be no longer available:
King 5 "55 Ways to Stay Young" Tips 30-46 features Qigong & Embrace The Moon
"Gentle Medicine" by Lily Casura
Seattle Woman Magazine on Tai Chi & Qigong, features Embrace The Moon (out of print)
The Best of Western Washington - won in the top 5 for Best of Martial Arts
Seattle Metropolitan Magazine Best of City
“Pluck The Stars and Change the Dipper” by Eileen Nicol, Seattle Woman Magazine
“Tai Chi & Qigong for Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia” HealthLink, King 5 (1994)
Ivy, K., “What Makes Practice, Practice?” Pacific Association of Woman Martial Artists Newsletter
Ivy, K., “Just One Movement,” A Tribute to Madame Gao Fu, Tai Chi Magazine
Ivy, K., “Goddess Flying To The Moon” in The Empty Vessel Magazine